(3.2.4) A point \(x\) is a limit point of a set \(A\) if every \(\epsilon\)-neighborhood \(V_{\epsilon}(x)\) of \(x\) intersects the set \(A\) at some point other than \(x\).

So for any \(\epsilon > 0\), whenever we take the intersection of this neighborhood of \(x\) with the set \(A\), we ‘ll find points close to \(x\) but not \(x\) itself. \(x\) is also called a cluster point or an accumulation point. The next theorem makes it a little easier to understand. In fact it’s equivalent to the definition above and we’ll prove this.

(3.2.5) A point \(x\) is a limit point of a set \(A\) if and only if \(x = \lim a_n\) for some sequence \(a_n\) contained in \(A\) satisfying \(a_n \neq x\) for all \(n \in \mathbf{N}\).

So “\(x\) is a limit point of \(A\)” means that \(x\) is the limit of a sequence in \(A\). The only thing we don’t want is to have any term of that sequence be \(x\) itself. The reason for this is then every member of the set could potentially be a limit point since we can create the sequence \(\{x,x,x,x,x,...\}\) and we don’t want that.


\(\Rightarrow\): Assume that \(x\) is a limit point of \(A\) and so for every \(\epsilon > 0\), the intersection of \(V_{\epsilon}(x)\) with the set \(A\) is nonempty and has an element that is not \(x\). We then want to prove that there is a sequence of points \(a_1, a_2, a_3, ...\) from \(A/\{x\}\) such that \((a_n) \rightarrow x\). Now for each \(n \in \mathbf{N}\), pick a point

$$ \begin{align*} a_n \in V_{1/n}(x) \cap A, \end{align*} $$

This means that the first element in the sequence is in \(V_1(x)\), the second element is in \(V_{1/2}(x)\). The third element is in \(V_{1/3}(x)\) and so on (We are basically getting closer and closer to \(x\)). This sequence \((a_n)\) coverages to \(x\). To see why, let \(\epsilon > 0\). We can choose \(N\) such that \(N > \frac{1}{\epsilon}\). So now for any \(n > N\),

$$ \begin{align*} |a_n - x| &< \frac{1}{n} \quad \text{ All the elements in $V_{1/n}$ must be within $1/n$ at most from $x$}\\ &< \frac{1}{N} \\ &< \frac{1}{1/\epsilon} = \epsilon. \end{align*} $$

\(\Leftarrow\): Assume that \((a_n) \rightarrow x\) where \(a_n \in A\) and \(a_n \neq x\). Let \(V_{\epsilon}\) be arbitrary. We want to prove that there some element from \((a_n)\) in that neighborhood \(V_{\epsilon}\). But since \((a_n) \rightarrow x\), then we know that there exists an \(N \in \mathbf{N}\) such that if \(n \geq N\), we must have \(|a_n - x| \leq \epsilon\). Therefore, for any \(n \geq N\), we know that we have \(a_n \in V_{\epsilon}\).


Other Definitions and Properties

  • Fo the absolute value function definition and other properties, see this.
  • For the definitions of sequences, subsequences and what it means to for a sequence to converge, see this.
  • For the definitions of series, and what it means to for a series to converge, see this.
  • For the "show the limit" template and an example, see this.
