(3.2.3) (i) The union of an arbitrary collection of open sets is open. (ii) The intersection of a finite collection of open sets is open.


Let \(\{O_{}: \lambda \in \Lambda\}\) be a collection of open sets and let \(O = \bigcup_{\lambda \in \Lambda}O_{\lambda}\). Let \(a\) be an arbitrary element of \(O\). To show that \(O\) is open, we need to produce an \(\epsilon\)-neighborhood of \(a\) that is contained in \(O\). Since \(a \in O\), then \(a\) must be in at least one particular set \(O_{\lambda'}\). But we know that \(O_{\lambda'}\) is open and so there must exists a neighborhood \(V_{\epsilon}(a) \subseteq O_{\lambda'}\). But since \(O_{\lambda'} \subseteq O\), then \(V_{\epsilon}(a) \subseteq O\) as we wanted to show.

For (ii), let \(\{O_1, O_2, ..., O_N\}\) be a finite collection of open sets. We know that \(a \in \bigcap_{k=1}^{N} O_k\). This means that there exists \(V_{\epsilon_k}(a) \subseteq O_{k}\). But since this is an intersection, the trick is to take the smallest one and therefore let \(\epsilon = min\{\epsilon_1, \epsilon_2, ..., \epsilon_N\}\). Since \(V_{\epsilon}(a)\) is the smallest one now, then we know \(V_{\epsilon}(a) \subseteq V_{\epsilon_k}(a)\) for all \(k\) and so \(V_{\epsilon}(a) \subseteq \bigcap_{k=1}^{N} O_k\) as we wanted to show. \(\blacksquare\).

Other Definitions and Properties

  • Fo the definition of open, closed, compact, perfect,...etc sets see this.
  • Fo the absolute value function definition and other properties, see this.
  • For the definitions of sequences, subsequences and what it means to for a sequence to converge, see this.
  • For the definitions of series, and what it means to for a series to converge, see this.
  • For the "show the limit" template and an example, see this.
