Let \(T\) be a linear operator on a finite-dimensional vector space \(V\), and let \(\lambda\) be a scalar. A non-zero vector \(x\) in \(V\) is called a generalized eigenvector of \(T\) corresponding to \(\lambda\) if \((T - \lambda I)^p(x) = 0\) for some positive integer \(p\).

Note here that if \(x\) is a generalized eigenvector of \(T\) corresponding to \(\lambda\) and \(p\) is the smallest positive integer for which \((T - \lambda I)^{p}(x) = 0\), then

$$ \begin{align*} (T - \lambda I)^{p-1}(x) &= y \neq 0 \\ (T - \lambda I)(T - \lambda I)^{p-1}(x) &= (T - \lambda I) y \\ (T - \lambda I)^{p}(x) &= T(y) - \lambda y \\ \bar{0} &= T(y) - \lambda y \\ T(y) &= \lambda y \end{align*} $$

So \(y\) is an eigenvector of \(T\).

Let \(T\) be a linear operator on a finite-dimensional vector space \(V\), and let \(\lambda\) be an eigenvalue of \(T\). The generalized eigenspace of \(T\) corresponding to \(\lambda\) denoted \(K_{\lambda}\), is the subset of \(V\) defined by $$ \begin{align*} K_{\lambda} = \{ x \in V: (T - \lambda I)^p(x) = 0 \quad \text{for some positive integer $p$} \} \end{align*} $$

Note that \(K_{\lambda}\) consists of the zero vector and all generalized eigenvectors corresponding to \(\lambda\).

Theorem 7.1
Let \(T\) be a linear operator on a finite-dimensional vector space \(V\), and let \(\lambda\) be an eigenvalue of \(T\). Then
  1. \(K_{\lambda}\) is a \(T\)-invariant subspace of \(V\) containing \(E_{\lambda}\) (the eigenspace of \(T\) corresponding to \(\lambda\))
  2. For any eigenvalue \(\mu\) of \(T\) such that \(\mu \neq \lambda\), \(K_{\lambda} \cap K_{\mu} = \{0\}\)
  3. For any scalar \(\mu \neq \lambda\), the restriction of \(T - \mu I\) to \(K_{\lambda}\) is one-to-one and onto.

(a) Showing that \(K_{\lambda}\) is a subspace is straightforward. We need to show that \(\bar{0} \in K_{\lambda}\) and that \(K_{\lambda}\) is closed under scalar multiplication and addition.

To show that \(K_{\lambda}\) is \(T\)-invariant. We need to show for any \(x \in K_{\lambda}\), that \(T(x) \in K_{\lambda}\). By definition, let be \(p\) be a positive integer, then \((T - \lambda I)^p(x) = \bar{0}\). We know to show that \((T - \lambda I)^p(T(x)) = \bar{0}\). Observe that

$$ \begin{align*} (T - \lambda I)^p(T(x)) = T(T - \lambda I)^p(x) = T(\bar{0}) = \bar{0} \end{align*} $$

(b) TODO
(c) Let \(\mu\) be a scalar such that \(\mu \neq \lambda\). Let \(x \in K_{\lambda}\). Let \(p\) be the smallest integer such that \((T - \lambda I)^p x = 0\) and

$$ \begin{align*} W = \text{span}\{x, (T - \lambda I)(x),...,(T - \lambda I)^{p-1}(x)\} \end{align*} $$

Theorem 7.2
Let \(T\) be a linear operator on a finite-dimensional vector space \(V\) such that the characteristic polynomial splits. Suppose that \(\lambda\) is an eigenvalue of \(T\) with multiplicity \(m\). Then
  1. \(\dim(K_{\lambda}) \leq m\)
  2. \(K_{\lambda} = N((T - \lambda I)^m)\)

(a) Let \(W = K_{\lambda}\). Let the characteristic polynomial of \(W\) be \(h(t)\) We know by Theorem 7.1, that \(W\) is a \(T\)-invariant subspace of \(V\). Therefore, by Theorem 5.20, \(h(t)\) divides the characteristic polynomial of \(T\). From Theorem 7.1(b), we know that \(\lambda\) is the only eigenvalue of \(T_W\). Therefore \(h(t) = (-1)^d(t - \lambda)^d\) where \(d = \dim(W)\) and \(d \leq m\).

(b) By definition, we know that \(N(T)=\{x \in V \ | \ T(x) = 0\}\). We also know that \(K_{\lambda} =\{ x \in V \ | \ (T - \lambda I)^p = 0 \ \text{ for }p > 0 \}\). So we can see that for any \(x \in N((T - \lambda I)^m)\)

$$ \begin{align*} (T - \lambda I)^m(x) = 0 \end{align*} $$

Since \(m\) is the multiplicity of an eigenvalue, then it’s positive and so \(x \in K_{\lambda}\) by definition. So \(N((T - \lambda I)^m) \in K_{\lambda}\).

Now, suppose that \(x \in K_{\lambda}\). We want to show that \(x \in N((T - \lambda I)^m)\) where \(m\) is the multiplicity of \(\lambda\). Since the characteristic polynomial of \(T\) splits, then let it be of the form \(f(t) = (t - \lambda)^m g(t)\) where \(g(t)\) is the product of powers of the form \(t - \mu\) for eigenvalues \(\mu \neq \lambda\). By Theorem 7.1, \(g(T)\) is one-to-one on \(K_{\lambda}\)[TODO: WHY?]. It is also onto since \(K_{\lambda}\) is finite dimensional. Since \(x \in K_{\lambda}\), then there exists some \(y\) such that \(g(T)(x) = y\). [WHY?]. Hence

$$ \begin{align*} (T - \lambda I)^m(x) = (T - \lambda I)^m g(T)(y) = f(T)(y) = \bar{0} \end{align*} $$

Why? ….. [TODO]

Theorem 7.3
Let \(T\) be a linear operator on a finite-dimensional vector space \(V\) such that characteristic polynomial of \(T\) splits, and let \(\lambda_1,\lambda_2,..., \lambda_k\) be the distinct eigenvalues of \(T\). Then, for every \(x \in V\), there are exist unique vectors \(v_i \in K_{\lambda}\), for \(i = 1,2,...,k\) such that $$ \begin{align*} x = v_1 + v_2 + ... + v_k \end{align*} $$


Theorem 7.4
Let \(T\) be a linear operator on a finite-dimensional vector space \(V\) whose characteristic polynomial \((t - \lambda_1)^{m_1}(t - \lambda_2)^{m_2}...(t - \lambda_k)^{m_k}\) splits. For \(i = 1,2,...,k\), let \(\beta_i\) be an ordered basis for \(K_{\lambda_i}\). Then
  1. \(\beta_i \cap \beta_j = \emptyset \text{ for } i \neq j\)
  2. \(\beta = \beta_1 \cup \beta_2 \cup ... \cup \beta_k \) is an ordered basis for \(V\)
  3. \(\dim(K_{\lambda_j}) = m_i\) for all \(i\)

(a) Consequence of Theorem 7.1(b)

(b) We need to show that \(\beta\) is linearly independent and that \(\beta\) spans \(V\). To see that \(\beta\) is linearly independent.


Theorem 7.6
Let \(T\) be a linear operator on a vector space \(V\), and let \(\lambda\) be an eigenvalue of \(T\). Suppose that \(\gamma_1, \gamma_2,...,\gamma_q\) are cycles of generalized eigenvectors of \(T\) corresponding to \(\lambda\) such that the initial vectors of the \(\gamma_i\)'s are distinct and form a linearly independent set. Then, the \(\gamma_i\)'s are disjoint and their union \(\gamma = \bigcup\limits_{i=1}^q \gamma_i\) is linearly independent.


Corollary (7.6)
Every cycle of generalized eigenvectors of a linear operator is linearly independent

Theorem 7.7
Let \(T\) be a linear operator on a finite-dimensional vector space \(V\), and let \(\lambda\) be an eigenvalue of \(T\). Then \(K_{\lambda}\) has an ordered basis consisting of a union of disjoint cycles of generalized eigenvectors corresponding to \(\lambda\).


Corollary 1 (7.7)
Let \(T\) be a linear operator on a finite-dimensional vector space \(V\) whose characteristic polynomial splits. Then \(T\) has a Jordan canonical form.

