Lecture 39: Jordan Blocks and Generalized Eigenvectors
Last lecture, we saw why matrices in Jordan Canonical form are useful and we spent the entire lecture understanding the following major theorem
Specifically, we looked at the first Jordan block (\(A_1\)) in \([T]_{\beta}^{\beta}\) and analyzed what these basis elements need to be in order for \([T]_{\beta}^{\beta}\) to be in Jordan Canonical form. This led to FACT 1 which was that a Jordan Canonical Basis must consists of generalized eigenvectors. We saw observed that
From this we see that
In other words,
So we can see here that the first \(n_1\) basis vectors coming from the \(A_1\) block are all obtained from the last vector and applying the maps over and over again. This led to FACT 2 which was
that A Jordan Canonical Basis is made of “cyclic pieces”. The basis is not only made of generalized eigenvectors but they also appear in this cyclic pattern. This leads us to the following definition
What can we say about these objects?
- \(\gamma\) is linearly independent
- \(W = \text{span}(\gamma)\) is \(T\)-invariant
- The matrix representation of the restriction of \(T\) to \(W\), \([T_W]_{\gamma}^{\gamma}\) is a Jordan block
Re-write \(\gamma\) as
These satisfy the following relations
We can re-write these equations as
This means that \(T\) maps \(v_i\) to a linear combination of \(v_i\)’s again (which are in \(\gamma\)). This implies that \(T(v_j) \in \text{span}(\gamma) \quad \forall j=1,...,p\). This means that \(T(W) \subseteq W\). Therefore, \(W\) is \(T\)-invariant and (b) holds.
We can also write the matrix representative of \(T\) with respect to \(W\)
From this we see that \((c)\) holds.
So now we only need to prove \((a)\). We need to build a basis of each \(K_{\lambda}\) out of cycles. To show this we need the next two results
The JCF Proof
Theorems 1.1 to 2.3 combined prove the JCF Theorem! To see how. Let \(\lambda_1,...,\lambda_k\) be the disjoint eigenvalues of \(T\). For \(\lambda_j\) find a basis \(\beta_j\) of \(K_{\lambda_j}\) consisting of disjoint cycles (Theorem 2.3).
By Theorem 1.4, \(\beta = \beta_1 \cup ... \cup \beta_k\) is a basis of \(V\). And by Theorem 2.1, \([T]_{\beta}^{\beta}\) is in JCF.
Let \(A = \begin{pmatrix}
3 & 1 & -2 \\
-1 & 0 & 5 \\
-1 & -1 & 4
\end{pmatrix}\). Put \(A\) in JCF if possible. Here \(T\) is \(L_A: \mathbf{R}^3 \rightarrow \mathbf{R}^3\).
We first need to check if the characteristic polynomial splits.
So the characteristic polynomial splits. (In fact \(\lambda_1\) has algebraic multiplicity 1 and \(\lambda_2\) has algebraic multiplicity 2).
We know the general form of the Jordan Canonical Basis where \(\beta = \beta_1 \cup ... \cup \beta_m\) where \(\beta_j = \gamma_1^j \cup \gamma_2^j \cup ... \cup \gamma_1^{k_j}\), a collection of disjoint cycles. So let’s build these pieces starting with the first eigenvalue as follows
\(\lambda_1 = 3\): The algebraic multiplicity of \(\lambda_1\) is 1. This implies that the generalized eigenspace \(K_{\lambda_1} = E_{\lambda_1}\) why is that? The dimension of the generalized eigenspace is equal to the algebraic multiplicity so its dimension is 1. But we know that \(E_{\lambda_1}\) has a non-zero dimension and that it sits inside \(K_{\lambda_1}\). Therefore \(K_{\lambda_1} = E_{\lambda_1}\). What about the cycles of this generalized eigenspace? the length of the cycle is (\(p=1\)). So all we need to do is find the nullspace of this eigenspace.
Putting this in echelon form, we see
The solution will this lead to
\(\lambda_2 = 2\): By Theorem 1.2, \(K_{\lambda_2} = N((A - 2I_3)^2)\) so
Putting this in echelon form, we see
The solution set is then
So we have a basis but we don’t have cycles yet. So we need to start generating cycles. Let’s choose the second vector above.
So given \(x \in K_{\lambda} \implies \gamma=\{(T - \lambda I_V)^{p-1}(x),...,x\}\). The term above is the second term from last. So the term remaining is just when \(p = 0\) which means it’s \(x\) itself. Therefore
Therefore, the Jordan Canonical Basis is
The diagonal elements are the eigenvalues. What about other non-zero elements? The second block is generated by a cycle of length 2 So there is a 1 in that block.
Determining the Jordan Block for an Eigenvalue
But can we get to the end JCF form without having to compute all of these cycles?
- \(r_1 \geq r_2 \geq r_3 \geq ...\)
- \(r_1 + r_2 + r_3 + ... = m\)
- \(r_1 =\) the number of Jordan Blocks for \(\lambda\)
- Math416 by Ely Kerman