[1.7] Modular Arithmetic
Suppose we have a natural number \(n\), then \((i \mod n)\) is the remainder after dividing \(n\) by \(i\). For example \((1 \mod 7) = (8 \mod 7) = (15 \mod 7) = 1\) and \((7 \mod 7) = 0\). From this we observe that for two numbers \(a\) and \(b\) to leave the same remainder, they need to be \(n\) numbers apart on the numbers line or in other words, \(|a - b|\) is a multiple of \(n\). Formally,
This relation \(a \equiv b \mod n\) has the following properties:
- For all \(a \in \mathbf{Z}\), \(a \equiv a \mod n\).
- For all \(a, b \in \mathbf{Z}\), \(a \equiv b \mod n\) if and only if \(b \equiv a \mod n\).
- For all \(a, b, c \in \mathbf{Z}\), if \(a \equiv b \mod n\) and \(b \equiv c \mod n\), then \(a \equiv c \mod n\).
For \((a)\), \(a - a = 0\) is divisible by \(n\). For \((b)\), if \(a - b\) is divisible by \(n\), then \(b - a\) is also divisible by \(n\) and vice versa. For \((c)\), if \(a - b\) is divisible by \(n\) and \(b - c\) is divisible by \(4n\), then \((a - b) + (b - c) = a - c\) is also divisible by \(n\). \(\ \blacksquare\)
Also let \(rem_n(a)\) be the unique number \(r\) such that \(0 \leq r < n\) and \(a - r\) is divisible by \(n\). So it is the unique element of \([a]\) that lies in the interval \( \{0,1,...,n-1\} \).
- \(a \equiv b \mod n\).
- \([a] = [b]\).
- \(\text{rem}_n(a) = \text{rem}_n(b)\).
- \([a] \cap [b] \neq \emptyset\).
\((a) \implies (b)\):
Suppose \(a \equiv b \mod n\). We want to show that \([a] = [b]\) by showing that \([a] \subseteq [b]\) and \([b] \subseteq [a]\). For any \(c \in \mathbf{Z}\), we know that if \(c \equiv a \mod n\), then \(c \equiv b \mod n\) by Lemma 1.7.2 (c). Therefore \([a] \subseteq [b]\). Similarly, if \(c \equiv b \mod n\), then \(c \equiv a \mod n\) and so \([a] = [b]\) as required.
\((b) \implies (c)\):
By definition, \(\text{rem}_n(x)\) is the unique element of \([x]\) that lies inside \(\{0,1,...,n-1\}\). So if \([a]=[b]\), then it must be the same element.
\((c) \implies (d)\):
\((d)\) is an immediate application of \((c)\)
\((d) \implies (a)\):
Suppose that \([a] \cap [b] \neq \emptyset\). Let \(c \in [a] \cap [b]\). Then \(a \equiv c \mod n\) and \(b \equiv c \mod n\). But this implies that \(a \equiv b \mod n\). \(\ \blacksquare\)